Home Garden 13 Beautiful Tropical Flowering Vines

13 Beautiful Tropical Flowering Vines

by Marry Dell

Replace boring metal fences or brick walls, flower vines, and climbing plants are some of the most perfect choices for improving your living space. They can make the outside space of your house becomes fresher and increase the charm of the house. And you are wondering what kind of flower vines to grow. You can refer to some species of them in our post today.
13 Beautiful Tropical Flowering Vines
Here is a list of the 13 Beautiful Tropical Flowering Vines for your garden. They not only give your house beauty with a tropical atmosphere but also protect your house from the change of weather. Let’s imagine feeling like you are going on a tropical retreat every time you step into your backyard. This is really a great solution for your home because they can bring a fresh living space, beautify the landscape, and be environmentally friendly.

#1 Passion Flower

Source: Gardeningknowhow

Passion Flower is a tendril-climbing vine that produces stunning flowers coming in shades of blues, whites, reds, and yellow. This plant requires full sun to flower well.

#2 Golden Trumpet

Source: Gardenia

Golden Trumpet is a twiner and leaner plant, it belongs to the milkweed family. It requires full sun to produce its glorious deep yellow trumpet-shaped flowers. Give it moist and well-drained soil for happy growth.

#3 Queen’s Wreath

Source: Flickr

This flower attracts the eyes by producing pretty star-shaped violet to purple flowers on long racemes. Give it trellis or supports for happy growth. It grows well in full to part sun and moist soil.

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#4 Chalice Vine

Source: Dehortus

Chalice Vine features huge chalice-shaped golden-yellow flowers with a sweet fragrance. It does well in hot, humid areas, with well-draining soil.

#5 Dipladenia

Source: Pinterest

Dipladenia produces dark pinkish-red flowers with a yellow throat all summer in full sun. Give it moisture and regular fertilizing for healthy growth.

#6 Bougainvillea

Source: Gardendesign

Bougainvillea is a shrub plant that offers beautiful flowers in shades of pinks, reds, purples, golds, orange, and apricot colors. This plant prefers to grow in full sun and allows the soil to dry to wilt between waterings.

#7 Pink Jasmine

Source: Picfair

Pink Jasmineproduces very fragrant white flowers from pink buds in late winter, and early spring. It needs something to climb on and gets direct morning sun or some late afternoon sun.

#8 Coral Vine

Source: Nparks

Coral Vine is a dainty vine with tendrils to climb along a fence or trellis. The light green heart-shaped leaves display the pretty clusters of rosy or coral-pink flowers. It is a fast-growing vine that prefers full sun and even moisture.

#9 Blue Sky

Source: Etsy

Blue Sky puts off a blue-flowered vine for part shade. The clusters of wide, sky-blue trumpet-shaped flowers droop over the large bright green leaves. Give it moisture and good drainage soil.

#10 Mandevilla

Source: Bunnings

Mandevilla is a summer-flowering tropical vine. It blooms beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of long, fast-growing twining stems.

#11 Bleeding Heart Vine

Source: Walmart

The flowers of Bleeding Heart Vine have a snowy-white calyx with dangling crimson petals. It loves growing in part sun and even moisture.

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#12 Confederate Jasmine

Source: Wilcoxnursery

Confederate Jasmine is a small-leaved vine, freely producing small white fragrant star-like flowers. It blooms in late spring and early summer, or more frequently if kept as a house plant. It needs moisture and tolerates light shade.

#13 Madagascar Jasmine

Source: Housebythesideoftheroad

Madagascar Jasmine is a climbing vine with thick, leathery leaves. In early spring, it produces beautiful waxy white flowers that are intensely fragrant.

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