Home Garden 26 Houseplant Types Display Most Exotic Leaves

26 Houseplant Types Display Most Exotic Leaves

by Marry Dell

If you are a plant lover, surely you will love gathering unique plants in your collection, right? The 26 Houseplant Types Display Most Exotic Leaves today will bring you amazed. They not only have weird and unusual leaves to add an interesting look to your living space but also help stand out other plants in the most unique ways. Check them out to know more.

In the natural world, there are countless plants, and each has its own color and beauty. And these houseplants today also are great gifts that Nature brings. Some of them not only grow well outdoors but also adapt indoors with basic care. So, you can grow some in your home to enjoy their beauty right in your home by buying them on the internet easily.

#1 Corkscrew Rush (Juncus effusus ‘Spiralis’)

Source: Fastgrowingtrees

Corkscrew Rush is an easy-care houseplant. It displays coiled, spiral shapes sprawling in different directions. It prefers to grow on a sunny window and keep the soil evenly moist all the time.

#2 Seersucker Plant (Geogenanthus poeppigii)

Source: Carousell

The leaves of the Seersucker Plant have an undulating or puckered surface. It grows well in indirect light.

#3 Wine Cup (Crassula Umbella ‘Wine Cup’)

Source: Reddit

Wine Cup belongs to the succulent family. It has unbranched stems and round bright green leaves with raised coiled edges that look like a wine cup. It is an easy-to-grow plant and needs a little water.

#4 Heart Leaf Fern (Hemionitis arifolia)

Source: Logees

Heart Leaf Fern has leaves that look like the shape of a heart but is being stretched a little. It prefers a lot of humidity and indirect light.

#5 Barbillion Echeveria (Echeveria gibbiflora ‘Barbillion’)

Source: Thetilth

Barbillion Echeveria has densely carunculated leaves that change color and shape throughout the year. It favors growing in part sun.

#6 Pangolin (Crassula ‘Pangolin’)

Source: Succulentsnetwork

Pangolin has leaves that resemble distinct animal ‘pangolin’ that eats termites, ants and stay covered in robust, overlapping scales.

#7 Baby’s Necklace (Crassula rupestris)

Source: Adamrobinsondesign

Baby’s Necklace has round gray-green leaves with red edges stacked on each other resemble a beaded necklace. Growing it in gritty, well-draining soil and water deeply when the soil appears dry.

#8 Jewel Orchid (Macodes petola)

Source: Cambridgebee

Jewel Orchid has unusual green foliage and gold venation that penetrates the leaf. It grows well in high humidity and temperature.

#9 Marimo Moss Ball (Aegagropila linnaei)

Source: Sacredelementsworld

Marimo Moss Ball is not an actual moss but a rare, velvet-like, spherical, non-invasive algae, with a bizarre yet unique shape. If you want to grow it, use tap or RO water, add a bit of ocean salt if brown spots develop.

#10 Striped Begonia (Begonia listada)

Source: Stilkenogstrom

The leaves of the Striped Begonia have beautiful stripes of green-cream color, which gives it a jewel-like look. It doesn’t like direct sunlight.

#11 Crinkle Leaf Plant (Adromischus cristatus)

Source: Thespruce

Crinkle Leaf Plant has triangle-shaped fleshy leaves that are covered in hairs and have wavy, crinkled edges. It loves growing in full sun to partial shade.

#12 Ant Plant (Dischidia pectinoides)

Source: Vermonthoyas

The leaves of the Ant Plant have swollen pockets. They are hollow from the inside and are termed bullate leaves. Do not expose it to direct sunlight and avoid overwatering.

#13 Spotted Begonia (Begonia amphioxus)

Source: Reddit

Spotted Begonia is a rare tropical plant that offers butterfly wing-like shiny green foliage with rippled margins and crimson-red spots on the leaf surface. Growing it in well-draining rich soil and bright indirect light.

#14 Vietnam Ferox (Begonia melanobullata)

Source: Buxtonbegonia

The leaves of the Vietnam Ferox are a weird mix of raised black cones that look-like teeth, the leaf edges are wavy and hairy. It prefers in full and partial shade.

#15 Parachute Plant (Ceropegia Sandersonii)

Source: Florapodium

Parachute Plant has twining stems carrying weird-looking light green perforated leaves patterned in dots. Growing it in gritty compost in clay pots with drainage holes.

#16 Leopard Plant (Farfugium japonicum)

Source: Plantvine

Leopard Plant has large and round leaves that are curved downwards and beautiful speckles. Exposing the plant to direct morning sunlight for its best growth.

#17 Spiralis Cactus (Cereus forbesii ‘Spiralis’)

Source: Houseofkojo

Spiralis Cactus has columnar blue-green spiral stems branched at the base in an arrangement like candelabra. It prefers growing in light shade in the young phase and after that requires bright light year-round.

#18 Starfish Cactus (Stapelia grandiflora)

Source: Reddit

Starfish Cactus has plated layered foliage that matches well with the star-shaped flowers. If you want to grow it, let’s give it gritty, well-draining soil blended with perlite or vermiculite.

#19 Jellyfish Air Plant (Tillandsia)

Source: Plantsandbeautifulthings

Jellyfish Air Plant looks like jellyfish by hanging them upside down in sea urchins’ shells. It is a low-maintenance plant that grows without soil.

#20 Butterfly Wing Plant (Christia obcordata)

Source: Pilea

Butterfly Wing Plant has triangular-shaped green leaves that look like fluttering butterflies with burgundy patterns. It prefers warm conditions indoors.

#21 Hurricane Cactus (Lepismium cruciforme)

Source: Folhashop

Philodendron Fun Bun has large impressive spiraling stems and carries glossy green leaves in an interesting circular arrangement. It favors growing in partial shade and water moderately.

#22 Trachyandra (Trachyandra)

Source: Reddit

Trachyandra has fleshy, small, shrub-like spiral leaves that are springy and often hairy. It prefers to grow in well-draining soil.

#23 Alocasia Stingray (Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Stingray’)

Source: Chooseyourplant

Alocasia Stingray has leaves that are the tail paired with the wings that resemble stingrays. Exposing direct sunlight or heat to avoid burning the leaves. It thrives indirect light and in a well-draining soil mix.

#24 Chinese Jade (Sinocrassula yunnanensis f. cristata)

Source: Worldofsucculents

This Chinese Jade type shows off a distinct, fan-shaped shape. Keep the plant on the dry side.

#25 Cooperi Haworthia (Haworthia cooperi)

Source: Hobbyplants

The Cooperi Haworthia has plumped, transparent, fleshy green leaves that look like a group of bubbles. It does well in 4-5 hours of daily bright morning sunlight.

#26 Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)

Source: Ourhouseplants

Venus Flytrap is an insect-eating carnivorous plant that has bristly leaves that fold into two hinged lobes with thorny edges. Its nectar tempts insects into the trap. It prefers warm places. Avoid keeping it under direct sunlight.

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