Home Garden 11 Stunning Spring Flowering Bulb To Grow In The Garden

11 Stunning Spring Flowering Bulb To Grow In The Garden

by Marry Dell

Finding plant types that can offer beautiful flowers to your garden this spring, you are reading the right post. Here we will share 11 Stunning Spring Flowering Bulb To Grow In The Garden that you will fall in love with their natural beauty, even your neighbor also will envy. To have a great display in this warm season, you should grow them right now.

Taking them a look, they all are really, really perfect, right? Each has its own beauty, of course, they not only liven up any space of the garden but also your mind. Growing them, you will have a chance to enjoy your colorful and bright garden in the atmosphere of spring.

What’s more, these flowers are an important source of nectar for bumblebees and other pollinators, which create a biological balance for your garden. Instead of growing vegetables only, let’s give a space to grow them.

#1 Wisley Blue

Source: Gardenia

Wisley Blue grows well in zones 4-9. It displays star-shaped flowers are made up of six petals which are in the lovely hue of whitish-blue. It prefers well-draining soil to avoid rot as it is a bulbous perennial.

#2 Yellow Trout Lily

Source: Gtrlc

Yellow Trout Lily does well in zones 3-8. It has a unique shade of mottled gray-green leaves gives this plant an engaging look even when it’s not in the blooming season.

Its flowering stalk bears multiple flowers having yellow petals which recurve outwards.

#3 Jeannine

Source: Dutchgrown

Jeannine grows well in planting zones 3-9. In early summers, the plant blooms numerous star-shaped flowers with golden bright yellow color.

#4 Siberian Squill

Source: Gardenia

Siberian Squill does well in zones 4-9. In the early springs, it produces terrific blue flowers. The plant is well adapted to cold weather and can bloom in the frost or even light snow.

#5 Globemaster Alium

Source: Edenbrothers

Globemaster Alium does well in zones 5-9. It bears large majestic upright spherical flowers with purple color. The sphere is made up of some small star-shaped flowers blooming from May to June.

#6 Spanish Bluebells

Source: Thespruce

Spanish Bluebells do in planting zones 4-9. The bell-shaped flowers appear on upright spikes and are in a brilliant shade of light purplish-blue.

#7 Glory of the Snow

Source: Colorblends

The Glory of the Snow grows in zones 3-8. It puts off star-shaped blooms are in an attractive shade of blue with specks of bright whitish-blue in the center.

#8 Snowdrop Anemone

Source: Garden

Snowdrop Anemone is a low-maintenance plant and grows in zones 4-9. It showcases cup-shaped, fragrant white flowers. It favors partial shade and medium moist soil.

#9 Snake’s Head Fritillary

Source: Gardenersworld

Snake’s Head Fritillary does well in zones 4-8 and can reach 6-8 inches. It shows off stunning bell-shaped flowers. From March to early May, its flowers have from purple to white to reddish-brown that give an attractive look.

#10 Summer Snowflake

Source: Southernliving

Summer Snowflake grows well in zones 5-8. It bears bell-shaped white flowers like the lily. Plus, its flowers are mildly chocolate-scented.

#11 Crown Imperials

Source: Cgtn

Crown Imperials belongs to the lily family and does well in planting zones 5-9. In late spring, its flowers start blooming and last for about four weeks.

There are many different varieties with flowers ranging from yellow to bright orange to reddish-orange you can choose from.

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