When it comes to the flower world, each has its own beauty as well as different meaning, and colors too! Do you love white flowers? White flowers bring a serene, magical quality to any setting. They will offer a backdrop for the varying shades of green in your garden.
White flowers work in a variety of gardens and landscapes to add pure beauty to your garden. That is the reason why in this post today, we are so glad to share the 12 Elegant White Flower Types To Grow For Borders that you will fall in love with when staying in front of their great color.
Taking them a look, they are so pretty, right? They offer a cool and soothing subtlety yet still with plenty of interest. They will not overwhelm the look of your garden, as they define edges rather than visually dominate the space.
In addition, all are quite easy to grow with requiring minimal care and getting enough sunlight for growth. Now, keep reading to choose some that you love and grow them to add pale brilliance to your garden.
#1 Digitalis Purpurea Albiflora
Source: Zcstrakovo
Digitalis Purpurea Albiflora displays statuesque stems and tubular flowers that add plenty of vertical interest to your borders. It is a favorite of pollinators, especially bees. This plant grows well in part shade.
#2 Hesperis Matronalis Var. Albiflora
Source: Fothergills
Hesperis Matronalis Var. Albiflora showcases clusters of fragrant white blooms in late spring and early summer. This flower is also fantastic for pollinators. It grows well both in full sun or part shade.
#3 Erigeron Annuus
Source: Pixabay
From June to November, The Erigeron Annuus features a haze of small, white, daisy-like flowers that give a wilder and laid-back look to your landscaping.
#4 Trachelospermum Jasminoides
Source: Aucklandbotanicgardens
Trachelospermum Jasminoides is a stunning climber plant. It has twining stems covered in glossy, dark green leaves that take on red tints in winter. It’s smothered in a profusion of fragrant, white flowers in midsummer.
#5 Rosa ‘madame Alfred Carrière’
Source: Flickr
Rosa ‘madame Alfred Carrière’ shows off blousy, creamy-white blooms that repeat flower throughout summer and into fall. The flowers have a strong, fruity fragrance. This rose type is strong-growing and almost thornless.
#6 Anemone X Hybrida ‘honorine Jobert’
Source: Sarahraven
Anemone X Hybrida ‘honorine Jobert’ is an excellent herbaceous perennial that produce pure white, cup-shaped flowers with bright yellow centers from August to October.
#7 Hydrangea Arborescens ‘annabelle’
Source: Sarahraven
From July to September, the Hydrangea Arborescens ‘annabelle’ offers huge globes of flowerheads in a sparkling white, which gradually fade to green.
#8 Ammi Majus
Source: Nova
The look of the Ammi Majus has similar to the cow parsley. It fills all gap space of your garden by blooming clouds of frothy blooms from June to September.
#9 Nicotiana Sylvestris
Source: Commons.wikimedia
Nicotiana Sylvestris offers sweetly-fragrant blooms on long stems. It forms a low-growing rosette of large leaves and has towering stems of drooping, white, trumpet-shaped blooms.
#10 Gaura Lindheimeri ‘the Bride’
Source: Havlis
Gaura Lindheimeri ‘the Bride’ displays white flowers that look like a mass of dainty butterflies dancing in the breeze with the tinge of pink offers a pleasing visual effect.
#11 Cosmos Bipinnatus ‘purity’
Source: Gardenersworld
Cosmos Bipinnatus ‘purity’ puts off a froth of feathery, green foliage and a succession of elegant white blooms between July and October.
#12 Penstemon ‘white Bedder’
Source: Thetimes
Penstemon ‘white Bedder’ bears masses of erect stems that have funnel-shaped, foxglove-like flowers from midsummer to the first frosts.