Home DIY 14 Organic Solutions For Cockroach Repellent

14 Organic Solutions For Cockroach Repellent

by Joyce

Cockroaches are unwelcome pests that can infest our homes and gardens, spreading disease and causing annoyance. While there are numerous chemical insecticides available on the market, many people prefer to opt for natural methods to repel cockroaches due to concerns about the potential health and environmental effects of synthetic chemicals.

Fortunately, there are several effective natural approaches you can employ to keep cockroaches at bay. These methods rely on the use of common household ingredients and eco-friendly techniques, making them safer alternatives for both your family and the environment. In this article, we will explore 14 natural methods that can help repel cockroaches and keep your home and garden roach-free.

#1. Keep your home clean

Source: Apartment Therapy

Cockroaches are attracted to food and garbage. Ensure your kitchen is clean, wipe countertops, sweep floors, and seal food in containers.

#2. Use essential oils

Source: Forbes

Certain essential oils repel cockroaches. Try using peppermint, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil. Mix a few drops with water and spray it around areas where cockroaches are seen.

#3. Catnip

Source: Bonnie Plants

Cockroaches dislike the smell of catnip. Place small sachets of catnip around your home or sprinkle dried catnip in areas where they are commonly found.

#4. Bay leaves

Source: Healthline

Cockroaches are repelled by the smell of bay leaves. Place whole bay leaves in cupboards, pantry shelves, and other areas where cockroaches may hide.

#5. Garlic and onions

Source: Medical News Today

The strong odor of garlic and onions can deter cockroaches. Place cloves of garlic or slices of onion in the corners of your kitchen or garden.

#6. Cucumber peels

Source: Apeel Sciences

Cockroaches dislike the taste and smell of cucumber. Leave peels around areas where cockroaches are present.

#7. Baking soda and sugar

Source: Always Eat Dessert

Create a bait using equal parts baking soda and sugar. The sugar attracts the cockroaches, and the baking soda kills them when ingested.

#8. Diatomaceous earth

Source: Amazon.com

Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth in areas where cockroaches are found. This substance is harmless to humans but dehydrates and kills the insects.

#9. Coffee grounds

Source: The Kitchn

Place used coffee grounds in areas where cockroaches are active. The strong scent can repel them.

#10. Mint leaves

Source: Azure Farm

Crush fresh mint leaves and scatter them around your home or garden to keep cockroaches away.

#11. Vinegar

Source: Bon Appetit

Mix equal parts vinegar and water and use it to clean surfaces, especially areas where cockroaches are commonly seen.

#12.Lemon juice

Source: Epicurious

Spray a mixture of lemon juice and water around areas where cockroaches are present. The acidic scent repels them.

#13.Cat litter

Source: PetMD

Place some unused cat litter in areas where cockroaches gather. The smell of cat urine can deter them.

#14.Clean your garden

Source: The Guardian Nigeria

Remove any debris or decaying organic matter from your garden, as it can attract cockroaches.

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