Home Garden 15 Types Of Succulent Ground Covers For Your Garden Landscaping

15 Types Of Succulent Ground Covers For Your Garden Landscaping

by Marry Dell

#11 Peacock Echeveria (Echeveria Peacockii)

Image Credits: Gardenia

This spreading succulent is so colorful and showy with color the rosettes are: orange, yellow, yellow, blue, red, green, purple.

#12 Hottentot Fig (Carpobrotus Edulis)

Image Credits: Shutterstock

Hottentot Fig (Carpobrotus Edulis) forms large trailing clumps of stick-shaped leaves, that point up and look like french fries. They have many petals, usually magenta, but often yellow, orange or sometimes white.

#13 Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Zebrina)

Image Credits: TopTopicals

Wandering Jew is a trailing succulent with leaves that look like zebras. They have stripes lengthways that can vary in color.
It creates wonderful patterns on the ground, turning bare soil into an elegant tapestry.

#14 Stonecrop ‘ Cherry Truffle’ (Sedum Telephium ‘Cherry Truffle’)

Image Credits: Gardening Express

Stonecrop ‘Cherry Truffle’ is of a dark cherry purple shade with gray-green parts that turn copper orange to use as ground cover. The leaves are disposed in rosette shapes along the stems. And in summer, beautiful cymes of rich pink flowers top the foliage.

#15 Stonecrop ‘Class Act’ (Sedum ‘Class Act’)

Image Credits: Prides Corner Farms

Stonecrop ‘Class Act’ really wows with its long and bright blooms of burgundy red flowers. They are abundant, on large inflorescences that come on upright pink stems.

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