Home Beauty 2 Famous Indian Beauty Tips That Could Easily Beat Out Any Korean Beauty Products

2 Famous Indian Beauty Tips That Could Easily Beat Out Any Korean Beauty Products

by Navy

Indian women believe that each person’s natural beauty is the most perfect. So they stay away from beauty treatments that change their appearance. Instead, they apply their traditional and long-standing beauty formula and of course, these  are beauty “tips” that women should not ignore!

They are very concerned about what they put on their skin as well as the foods they eat every day. Everything from healthy eating to getting enough rest is aimed at reducing stress – a method to skin and health. They often beautify with products with organic ingredients close to the life of the Indians and they are also effective solutions to help them reduce stress and stay young forever.

Tips #1

Source: unknown

First, you need to prepare these ingredients:

  • Powered orange peel
  • Rose water
  • Powered sandalwood
  • Yogurt

Then, follow these steps to have a smooth and shining face skin:

  • Put one tablespoon of powered orange peel in a clean basin.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of powered red sandalwood and 1 teaspoon of thick yogurt to this.
  • Finally, add enough rose water and thoroughly combine them to create a smooth paste.
  • Your DIY is complete. Apply this all over your face, then give it time to fully dry.
  • Washing your face with cold water
  • After that, apply raw milk to a clean cotton ball and rub it all over your face.

Tips #2

Source: unknown

First, you need to prepare these ingredients:

  • Lemon
  • Honey
  • Rose water
  • Curd
  • Gram Flour

Then, follow these steps to have a flawless and even-toned face skin:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon gram flour, 1 teaspoon honey, and 1 teaspoon curd in a clean basin.
  • Add a few drops of lemon juice and rose water.
  • Once everything is thoroughly combined, your DIY is complete.
  • Apply this paste to your freshly washed face, then wait 10 minutes for it to dry.
  • Next, you can use cold water to wash your face.
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These 2 tips of Indian women is useful for any types of skin. You can use them twice a week to beautify your onw natural skin tone.

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