Home DIY 20 Astound DIY Water Trough Projects

20 Astound DIY Water Trough Projects

by Marry Dell

Having an old water trough, don’t rush to throw them away. Instead of laying it in vain somewhere around your home, there are some useful ways to recycle useful things. And today, we’ve rounded up the 20 Astound DIY Water Trough Projects that will inspire you. They are super practical DIY stock tank ideas not only you trying but also your neighbors will love to copy your designs.

Due to its galvanized coating, the container can last for years and comes in a large number of sizes, so it is a versatile container that can be used all over your home and backyard. These simple DIY ideas will allow you to modify a galvanized metal water trough and transform it into a stunning flower planter, a bathtub, a fire pit, and more.

You can complete it on days off or an afternoon, even less than an hour! Some of these ideas, you don’t need to have an old water trough, you can buy a new one at local feed stores, or online shops, and then try making some ideas for the next weekend.

#1 Deck Waterfall Idea

Source: Hometalk

#2 Small Water Trough Swimming Pool

Source: Trendey

#3 Water Trough Turned Into A Table

Source: Tumblr

#4 Outdoor Water Trough Bathtub

Source: Lillian Glover

#5 Water Trough Planter

Source: Rockoakdeer

#6 Old Watering Trough Being Repurposed To Hold Firewood

Source: Cowgirlmagazine

#7 Water Trough Storage Idea

Source: Hometalk

#8 Water Trough Vegetable Garden

Source: Countryliving

#9 Water Trough Bench

Source: Therestorewarehouse

#10 A Fairy Garden Idea

Source: Roxanne

#11 Water Trough Tv Stand

Source: Pinterest

#12 Outdoor Water Trough Fire Pit

Source: Housebeautiful

#13 Outdoor Coffee Table

Source: Carrie P

#14 A Water Feature Idea For Balcony

Source: Pinterest

#15 Vintage Garden Decor Idea

Source: Farmfoodfamily

#16 Watering Troughs as Veggie Beds

Source: Ravenscourtgardens

#17 Old Water Trough Converted To A Garden Fountain

Source: Lisa Larsen

#18 A Small Outdoor Pond

Source: Containerwatergardens

#19 Water Trough Flower Planter

Source: Teashopechest

#20 Vintage Garden Decoration With Beautiful Flowers

Source: Architectureartdesigns

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