Home Garden 22 Most Popular Sedums That Thrive As Houseplants

22 Most Popular Sedums That Thrive As Houseplants

by Jenny

If you’re seeking houseplants that effortlessly blend beauty with resilience, look no further than sedums. These versatile succulents are becoming increasingly popular as indoor companions, adding a touch of green elegance to any living space. Traditionally celebrated for their outdoor hardiness, many sedum varieties have transitioned to become delightful houseplants that require minimal care.

For those seeking low-maintenance and visually appealing additions, let’s take a look at the 22 most beloved sedum varieties that flourish as houseplants.

#1. Burro’s tail

Burro’s tail is a type of succulent plant that has long, trailing stems covered with fleshy, blue-green leaves. It produces small, pink to red flowers in summer, but they are rare indoors.

#2. Sedum Neptune

 Sedum Neptune has thick, fleshy leaves that are green with purple edges and tips. Native to Japan and Korea, it thrives on rocky cliffs and slopes.

#3. Purple Emperor

The Purple Emperor is named for its purple-blue iridescence that the males have on their wings, which the females lack. It has dark brown wings with white bands and spots and a small orange ring on each of the hindwings.

#4. Showy Stonecrop

Showy stonecrop sedum has thick, fleshy leaves that vary in shades and colors. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil, and it can grow up to 24 inches (60 cm) tall and wide.

#5. Goldmoss Stonecrop

 Goldmoss stonecrop has thick, fleshy leaves and it produces clusters of small, star-shaped flowers that bloom late in the growing season. It is also known as mossy stonecrop, goldmoss sedum, biting stonecrop, and wallpepper.

#6. Ogon Sedum

Ogon sedum hails from Japan, where it grows in rocky valleys. It is a low-growing, creeping plant that forms a dense mat of foliage.

#7. Little Missy Sedum

Little missy sedum is a type of succulent plant that has small, green leaves with pink and cream edges. It forms a dense mat of foliage that can be used as a ground cover or in containers.

#8. Frosty Morn Sedum

Frosty Morn Sedum is also known as Stonecrop. It is very easy to grow and care for, making it a great plant for beginners or busy gardeners.

#9. Broadleaf Stonecrop

Broadleaf stonecrop sedum has yellow blooms and silvery foliage. It looks striking both in containers and in your garden.

#10. Sedum Angelina

Sedum Angelina has bright yellow-green leaves and yellow flowers. It is easy to grow and care for, as it needs full sun and well-drained soil.

#11. Tricolor Sedum

The leaves of tricolor sedum are green in the center with white margins tinged with pink. It is a succulent that thrives in hot, dry places, where it can grow among rocks and stone.

#12. Dragon’s Blood

Dragon’s Blood has evergreen foliage that changes color in autumn and winter. It requires watering sparingly, using the soak and dry method.

#13. Blue Spruce

Blue spruce sedum has blue-green, needle-like leaves that resemble spruce needles. It is also known as stonecrop, biting stonecrop, or rocky stonecrop.

#14. Autumn Joy

Autumn Joy sedum has bright pink flowers that bloom in late summer or early fall. It is a hybrid plant created by crossing a species of sedum with a species of ice plant.

#15. Elizabeth Sedum

Elizabeth is another sprawling sedum cultivar. It is also known as red carpet sedum, red stonecrop sedum, or Sedum spurium “Elizabeth”.

#16. Hens and Chicks Sedum

Hens and chicks sedum is a type of succulent plant that has small, fleshy leaves arranged in rosettes. The parent rosette is the “hen” and the smaller rosettes that grow from it are the “chicks”.

#17. Sedum Roseum

Sedum Roseum is easy to grow and care for, as it needs full sun and well-drained soil. It does not need much watering or fertilizing and can be propagated by stem cuttings or leaf cuttings, which root quickly in moist soil.

#18. Jelly Bean Sedum

Jelly Bean Sedum has leaves which are green in the center with red tips, but they can change color depending on the amount of sunlight they receive. It is a low-maintenance and drought-tolerant plant that can thrive in hot and dry conditions.

#19. Palmer’s Stonecrop

Palmer’s Stonecrop sedum has small, round, green leaves that form rosettes at the ends of the stems. It produces bright yellow, star-shaped flowers from January to May.

#20. Tree Stonecrop

Tree Stonecrop sedum has shiny green spoon-shaped leaves that cluster at the tips of the branches. It is a very easy-care plant that can be grown in full sun.

#21. Coppertone Sedum

Coppertone Sedum has coppery-orange leaves that become more intense with more sunlight exposure. Thus, you should place it in a full-sun position.

#22. Sedum Lydium

Sedum Lydium is native to western Turkey, where it grows in damp mossy places on mountains. It produces clusters of white flowers in early summer.

From their captivating textures to their ability to store water in their leaves, sedums have evolved to adapt and flourish indoors, even in low-light conditions. If you have a colorful sedum container or a mini garden of sedum in your house, please share with us and subscribe to our website for more plant care tips.

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