Home DIY 22 Simple Ways To Make Your Wall More Lively

22 Simple Ways To Make Your Wall More Lively

by Marry Dell

Your blank and white walls are so boring when looking at them, wondering how you’ll fill them and give them personality. Don’t despair, from the living room to the bedroom, your empty walls are filled with possibilities. Keep reading to unlock our simplest ways to turn your bare walls into stylish centerpieces you can create them easily by yourself!

Whether you are a collector, a book lover, love rustic beauty, or want to be close to nature, your walls can be customized so that you can be surrounded by the things you adore.

Making some of these ideas will help you don’t need to spend your money on expensive pieces, you still can create a similar version for a fraction of the price, and you will have the happiness of knowing you made it yourself. Some projects can be made on a weekend, an afternoon, or even an hour, and after they are done, they promise for adding interest to your walls.

#1 A Plate Collection

Source: Yourhomeandgarden

#2 Simple Wall Shelf

Source: Pinterest

#3 Fresh Flower Wall Decor

Source: Pinterest

#4 Using Dried Flowers

Source: Idealhome

#5 DIY Floral Garland

Source: Tealarrowdesign

#6 Family Photo Displays With Heart Shape

Source: Itsclaudiag

#7 Vintage Wall Decor

Source: Kenyarae

#8 Colorful Wood Crate Wall Decor

Source: Livspace

#9 Vining Houseplant With Trellis

Source: Melissafrusco

#10 Hanging Indoor Plant Pots With Branch

Source: Pinterest

#11 Easy-to-make Hanging Wall Decoration

Source: Tumblr

#12 Modern Rustic Wall Decor

Source: Therusticpelican

#13 Branch With String Light For Decorating Wall

Source: Inkarch

#14 A New Tree Version

Source: Pinterest

#15 Photos With String Lights

Source: Pinterest

#16 Using String Lights To Decorate Wall

Source: Popsugar

#17 A Lush Green Wall

Source: Pinterest

#18 Boho Wall Decor Idea

Source: Ariyonainterior

#19 A Living Wall With Air Plants

Source: Thearchitectsdiary

#20 DIY Book Wall

Source: Hometalk

#21 Rustic-Modern DIY Plant Wall

Source: Hgtv

#22 Lovely Mason Jar Wall Decor

Source: Decorhomeideas

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