There is nothing better than enjoying the beauty of the radiant, yellow blooms of sunflowers right in the garden. They bring positive energy to anyone who sees them. By producing their bright open-faced flowers, they will make you smile. However, if you’re looking to add a perfect dash of sunshine to your backyard or homes without having to plant sunflowers, there are plenty of options in this post today.
Here is the list of 13 Stunning Types of Flowers That Look Like Sunflower. While this may seem surprising to many, there are multiple look-alikes of the average sunflower. They usually belong to the asteraceae or the daisy family. But to know what exactly are flowers? Let’s spend your time exploring them with us. Here we go!
#1 Zinnia
Image Credits: Good Housekeeping
Zinnia has thin petals and vibrant colors.
#2 Coneflowers
Image Credits: Hgvt
Coneflower is easy to grow and care for. It comes in yellow, fuchsia, ocher, red, pink, purple, magenta, and even orange colors.
#3 Blanket Flower
Image Credits: Gardening Know How
Blanket Flower has a thick covering of blooms. Its petals show a punchy hue of red and yellow with a brown-yellow center.
#4 Pot Marigold
Image Credits: Bolster
Pot Marigold is edible and medicinal, it has yellow to orange petals.
#5 Treasure Flower
Image Credits: World of Flowering Plant
Treasure Flower is easy to grow, it comes in beautiful orange, white, red, yellow, and pink colors.
#6 Coreopsis
Image Credits: The Spruce
Coreopsis thrives well in all soil conditions and needs full sun. This flower shows salmon, yellow, and orange flowers that are quite similar to daisies and sunflowers
#7 Bidens
Image Credits: The Spruce
Bidens come in shades of deep red, orange, and yellow. They look like miniature sunflowers.
#8 Black-Eyed Susan
Image Credits: Sow True Seed
Black-Eyed Susan owns beautiful yellow and orange flowers with a dark brown center.
#9 Gerbera Daisy
Image Credits: Hort Zone
Gerbera Daisy forms red, purple, orange, and yellow flowers, it is another sunflower look-alike and popular for its fuzzy leaves and multiple color long-lasting flowers.
#10 Chrysanthemum
Image Credits: Horticulture
Chrysanthemum has stunning flowers with red, salmon, white, orange, and magenta color.