Home Tattoo Discover The Beautiful Meaning Of Lotus Tattoos

Discover The Beautiful Meaning Of Lotus Tattoos

by Ruby

Lotus flowers are praised for their beauty and distinctiveness. They are also a great choice as tattoo designs. Do you know that this beautiful kind of flora has its own special meaning? Especially when it is represented as a tattoo.

Lotus In Cultures And Believes

Despite its glorious beauty, lotus actually thrives in a muddy environment, which has become many cultures and believers’ inspiration. In Buddhism, this intricate flower represents purification, faith, and enlightenment. Developed from the same concept in Hinduism, it characterizes a serious spiritual rebirth and a struggle against impurity.

In some Asian countries, such as Vietnam, they are the symbol of perseverance and elegance, as lotus can thrive strongly and emit its delicate sense despite being surrounded by a muddy environment. Furthermore, the Chinese believe that lotus represents love, harmony, and trust between two people.

Lotus in Various Colors

People always seek meaning in everything, which is especially true with aesthetes, who can see beauty in even very ordinary objects or events. In the world of body art, the lotus depicts various essences of life depending on its color and tattoo idea.


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White: The color white is universally believed to characterize purity and perfection. As this is what many of us try to achieve in life, it is understandable that you decided to go with a white lotus tattoo. However, you should bear in mind that the color white has only recently been implemented in this industry. Therefore, tattooists with professional skills should be the main concern that needs to be taken into thorough consideration.

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Red: Generally, red resembles that desirably passionate love. The same goes for lotus, which is colored in a bright, standout red. As roses have become so conventional, lotus will be an eye-catching option for one who strives for individuality.

Pink: Women are perceived to be associated with pink. On the contrary, this is an obsolete preconception. Anyone can rock pink, no matter their gender. A soft pink lotus depicts a gentle, delicate side of one’s personality, and a hot pink one is the symbol of that bold, intense life maxim representing your perspective.


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Additionally, if you prefer a little bit of mystery, a purple lotus tattoo will be perfect for that intention. You can complement it with a touch of yellow, which will create that dazzling effect, attracting everyone’s eyes.

Nevertheless, there is no need to force yourself to follow these rules. Further complementary or adjustment is highly encouraged as tattoos are meant to highlight your own signature. Thus, you can definitely decorate your body art with extra details such as fireflies, a water setting, lotus buds, and so on. In addition, if you are still on the way to looking for that ideal lotus design, let’s take a glimpse at some of our collection!


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