For plant’s growth, sunlight plays an important role. However, there are some indoor plants that also do well in an environment with medium light. If you love growing plants in the home to give your interior a touch of green for your living space but not have more sunlight, you can grow some indoor plants today.
These houseplants are great for spots in a room that need touches of green but do not have enough direct sunlight. All can thrive with indirect light and the majority of them can thrive with artificial light.
You can place them in east-facing windows or under two fluorescent bulbs. They also thrive in the indirect light coming in west-facing windows. Plus, they are so easy to care for from indoor gardeners as long as they get enough moisture and nutrients.
#1 Dieffenbachia
Source: Breck’s
Dieffenbachia has pointed oblong leaves on its plant that can be up to 12-inches long and the dark green leaves are spattered with a creamy-white color.
#2 Crotons
Source: Housedigest
Crotons have leaves that can be up to 18-inches long and speckled with many different colors, including yellow, pink, orange, red, bronze, purple, and green.
This plant can grow in low light but if you want to it shows off the best color, expose to a few hours of bright sunlight daily.
#3 Boston Fern
Source: Rhsplants
Boston Fern thrives in a cool environment that has lots of humidity. This plant needs to be kept out of direct sunlight and be kept consistently moist for the best growth.
#4 Dracaenas
Source: Waitrosegarden
Dracaenas do not like direct sunlight at all, its leaves can grow up to 6-inches long and are bright green outlined in a lighter green.
#5 Aluminum Plant
Source: Refinery29
Aluminum Plant grows up to 12-inches tall and has beautiful green foliage that looks like they have been splashed with aluminum paint. This plant prefers to grow in peaty soil and humidity.
#6 Ficus Elastica
Source: Crocus
Ficus Elastica grows up to 10-feet tall indoors. It produces thick rubbery leaves with pink to purplish stipules.
#7 Christmas Cactus
Source: Thespruce
Christmas Cactus displays blooms in the spring that can be red, purple, oranges, pinks, and creams. It needs direct sunlight to bloom but also needs total darkness at night for at least 13 hours.
#8 Moth Orchid
Source: Whiteflowerfarm
Moth orchid has long sprays of flowers that grow on arching stems, with each flower being about 3.5-inches wide.
#9 Gardenia
Source: Plantshop
Gardenia loves shade from the afternoon light but wants the morning light. If you find the right place for its growth, you will get white flowers throughout the year.
#10 African Violet
Source: Almanac
African Violet can achieve to 9-inches tall and has tiny flowers grow on this plant throughout the year. This plant needs well-drainage soil for the best growth.
#11 Flamingo Lily
Source: Theflowersmart
Flamingo Lily has leaves that are dark green and heart-shaped. It has bright red patches that have a waxy appearance. The plant does well in humidity.
#12 Begonia
Source: Thespruce
Begonia has round green or reddish-brown leaves that are shiny. Its flowers can be red, white, or pink and up to 1.5-inches across.