Home Home Decor 15 Best Holiday Season Plants To Grow From Cuttings And Bulbs

15 Best Holiday Season Plants To Grow From Cuttings And Bulbs

by Jenny

Christmas is the perfect time to fill your home with happiness and what better way to do it than by adding some trendy plants? They not only enhance your Christmas tree but also make perfect gifts for friends and family. From the classic Christmas Cactus to the mystical Holly, we have curated a list of the best holiday plants to grow from cuttings that will not only enhance the festive mood but are also incredibly simple to propagate.

#1. Poinsettia

Let’s embrace the iconic holiday hues by propagating poinsettias. Snip a healthy stem cutting, dip it in rooting hormone, and plant it in a well-draining potting mix. Keep it in a warm, bright spot until roots form.

#2. Christmas Cactus

Propagating a Christmas Cactus is a breeze. Take a segment of a healthy stem, let it air-dry for a day, then plant it in a succulent mix. Keep it moist but not waterlogged, and soon you’ll have cascading blooms.

#3. Mistletoe

Mistletoe is a traditional Christmas plant and can be propagated easily. Harvest mistletoe with care, ensuring you get both the berries and stems. Sow the berries into the bark of a deciduous tree and watch the mystical plant emerge.

#4. Holly

You can propagate holly by taking semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer or early autumn. Plant them in a mix of sand and compost, and keep them sheltered until roots develop. Your home will soon boast those festive red berries.

#5. Amaryllis

Do you want a collection of amaryllis blooming in time during Christmas? After blooming, gently remove offsets from the main bulb, ensuring they have roots attached, then plant them in a rich, well-draining soil mix for stunning winter blooms.

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#6. Cyclamen

After the cyclamen finishes flowering, let the corms dry out. Harvest them and plant them just beneath the soil surface in a mix of potting soil and sand. Cyclamen should be kept in a cool, shaded area until new growth emerges.

#7. Christmas Rose

Propagating Christmas roses is a lesson in patience. Harvest seeds when the pods split, plant them in a shaded area, and wait. Germination may take a year or more, but the delicate blooms are worth it.

#8. Christmas Fern

To have Christmas ferns ready in winter, divide them in early spring. Ensure each division has both roots and fronds. You should plant them in a moist, shaded area, and watch as this native beauty adds a touch of greenery to your holidays.

#9. Paperwhite

You can encourage new paperwhite bulbs by saving the offsets after they’ve flowered. Plant them in well-draining soil, and the reward is fragrant blooms gracing your indoor garden.

#10. Winter Jasmine

To your surprise, propagating winter jasmine is uncomplicated. Take softwood cuttings in late spring, dip them in rooting hormone, and plant them in a mix of sand and potting soil. Your garden will soon boast cascading yellow blooms.

#11. Rosemary

Rosemary is a versatile year-round herb. To propagate them, snip a 4-6 inch stem, remove the lower leaves, and plant it in well-draining soil. In no time, you’ll have your own fragrant holiday herb.

#12. Norfolk Island Pine

Let’s expand your indoor evergreen collection by propagating Norfolk Island Pine. Snip off a healthy shoot, plant it in a mix of peat and perlite. It would help if you keep it in a bright, indirect light until it establishes roots.

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#13. English Ivy

You can multiply English Ivy effortlessly by taking stem cuttings. Remove the lower leaves, dip the stem in the rooting hormone, and plant it in a mix of potting soil and perlite. Soon, you’ll have cascades of vibrant green.

#14. Winterberry

Winterberry looks stunning both indoors and outdoors with its striking red berries. You should harvest winterberry cuttings in late winter, plant them in a mix of sand and compost and keep them in a sheltered spot until roots develop. Your holiday arrangements will thank you for these vibrant red berries.

#15. Juniper

Juniper should be propagated in late fall or early winter. Plant them in a sandy soil mix, and give them time to establish roots. These evergreens will add a touch of classic elegance to your holiday landscape.

As the holiday season approaches, take joy in cultivating your own festive houseplants by propagating them from cuttings. They bring greenery to the indoor space and fill the atmosphere with the festive vibe of the season. So, grab those shears, don your gardening gloves, and watch these holiday houseplants sprout and flourish.

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