Home Garden 22 Beautiful Plants For A Walkway

22 Beautiful Plants For A Walkway

by Joyce

Plants are a natural choice for walkway edging and borders. They are great whether the curving line of a finely trimmed boxwood leads to a spectacular sea view or the soft edge of hostas on a walkway to a poolside terrace. Indeed, a garden without walkway borders is like a dwelling without baseboards—it is unfinished.

Don’t undervalue the role of plants used as borders in defining an outdoor space and creating a lovely walkway through your backyard. Many gardeners have traditionally used brick or stone borders to help keep flowers in their beds.

However, you may have a much softer look that appeals more to an aesthetic by utilizing an evergreen shrub. Let your ideas blossom by browsing the pictures below!

#1. Hydrangea

Source: Home Stratosphere

#2. Ferns

Source: Deborah Silver

#3. Impatiens

Source: Gardener’s Path

#4. Coral Bells

Source: Gardenia.net

#5. Coleus

Source: Pinterest

#6. Geranium Cranesbill

Source: Gardenia.net

#7. Primrose

Source: Britannica

#8. Dead Nettle

Source: Guzman’s Garden Center

#9. Astilbes

Source: Name That Plant

#10. Mose Rose

Source: Better Homes&Gardens

#11. Irish Moss

Source: The Spruce


Source: The Spruce


Source: Gardening Know How

#14.Hornbeam Hedges

Source: iStock


Source: Bob Villa


Source: Gardener’s World


Source: How To Plant Your Garden


Source: American Meadows


Source: Plant Care Today


Source: Garden & Greenhouse

#21.Lady’s Mantle

Source: The Impatient Gardener

#22.Moss Phlox

Source: PlantingTree


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