Home DIY 22 Creative Birdhouse Ideas That You Can Make Easily

22 Creative Birdhouse Ideas That You Can Make Easily

by Marry Dell

Creating some birdhouses right in your garden to attract lovely wild birds to nest and dine.  Little birds not only have perfect shelter, but your garden also gets benefits, and you also feel funny sounds.

And in the post, we’ve summed up 22 birdhouse ideas that are easy and adorable. These DIY cute place projects are a fun way to liven up your yard without breaking up your budget.

Skip the store-bought birdhouses, going the handmade route allows you to have complete design control and take advantage of old items around your home like old clay pots, PVC pipes, coconut shells, plastic bottles, and more.

These DIY birdhouses are fun to make, and they’ll save you a few dollars, and you’ll find lots of inspiration here. Most of them are easy projects even for beginners just with a little effort and time. Happy crafting!

#1 Clay Pot DIY Birdhouse

Source: Birdsandblooms

#2 DIY Birdhouse From PVC

Source: Diyprojects.ideas2live4

#3 DIY Pop Bottle Birdhouses

Source: Conniekresin

#4 Coconut Birdhouse

Source: Instructables

#5 Wine Barrel Birdhouse

Source: Flick

#6 Tin Can Birdhouse

Source: Theidearoom

#7 Plastic Bottle Birdhouse

Source: Instructables

#8 Metal Bucket Birdhouse

Source: Birdsandblooms

#9 Teapot Birdhouse

Source: Smartschoolhouse

#10 Old Boot Birdhouse

Source: Stephanie G

#11 Painted Black Tin Can Birdhouse

Source: Susan Taylor

#12 Wine Cork Birdhouse

Source: Pintetest

#13 Copper Tea Kettle Birdhouse

Source: Robin Bailey

#14 Stone Cottage Birdhouse

Source: Happygardens

#15 Rustic Wood Birdhouse

Source: Lushome

#16 Coffee Can Birdhouse

Source: Melody Bray

#17 Wood Log Birdhouse

Source: Flickr

#18 Metal Birdhouse Mailbox

Source: Wildwestliving

#19 Peanut Butter Birdhouse

Source: Instructables

#20 Twig Birdhouse

Source: Laura A

#21 Driftwood Birdhouse

Source: Readersdigest

#22 Twig and Wood Pallet Birdhouse

Source: Dartbrookrustic

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