Home Tattoo 30 Unique Lotus Tattoo Ideas You Must Try In 2022

30 Unique Lotus Tattoo Ideas You Must Try In 2022

by Navy

A Lotus tattoo is one of those that not only helps to add beauty to the owner but also carries a lot of good meanings. It represents sophistication, purity, and nobility, mostly used in Eastern countries.


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The meaningful purpose of a lotus tattoo 

Since ancient times, the lotus flower has always been a source of inspiration for poetry and painting. It symbolizes the indomitability of the people, keeping their hearts tight and clean in the mud due to one fact: Although born in the mud, the lotus is not polluted but can change life circumstances and overcome all difficulties. The lotus has both fragrance and color that are gentle and loving.

Lotus tattoo not only has aesthetic value but also has spiritual meaning. Legend has it that the lotus has 8 petals representing the harmony of the universe or the Eightfold Path in Buddhism. The image of lotuses is attached to the Buddha, so they become such noble flowers.


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The color sense of the lotus tattoo 

The blue lotus symbolizes the spirit of wisdom and knowledge. With those meanings, in tattoo art, the blue lotus is a sign of the human spirit, human intelligence, and indomitable loyalty.


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When the image of a purple lotus is brought to tattoo art, it presents sincerity and romance.


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Additionally, the red color of the lotus is a symbol of heart and passion, specially made for those who want happiness with their love.

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The pink lotus is considered the true lotus in the Buddha, the ultimate type of lotus. It is the most representative image of the general meaning of purity and the beauty of women.


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The customizations of lotus tattoo ideas

Usually, when tattooing lotus flowers, people often prefer to choose gentle tattoos with the same color as pink or pastel yellow. However, there are also quite a few who like to show more about their personality by using special customizations such as lotus flowers combined with Sanskirt, Buddha images, or letters.

Depending on the size, the lotus flower is also tattooed in many different places on the body. Some popular body parts can be mentioned like: Arms, legs, shoulders, back, back of the neck, …

Small sizes at wrists, ankles, and shoulders are always the top choices. Thanks to its sophistication, it is not too flashy, but still shows its character and has impressive beauty. On the other hand, positions such as the back, thighs, and calves are places to display larger models full of the ethereal and noble temperament of the lotus tattoo.


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