Home Beauty How To Get The Pink Lips From Dark Black Lips

How To Get The Pink Lips From Dark Black Lips

by Shelly

Do you often use lipstick to hide stained lips? It is definitely feasible to have naturally pink lips that are dewy and velvety. You can try a number of at-home treatments to make your lips pink permanently. To get pink lips quickly, you can also eat a certain diet and practice a few beauty rituals. To learn how to do it, keep reading.

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What Causes Dark Lips?

  • Due to aging
  • Wider exposure to sunlight
  • Smoking
  • Excessive intake of caffeine
  • Using cosmetics
  • Allergy
  • Dermatitis
  • Dehydration
  • Hot food
  • Anemia
  • Improper diet
  • Lentigo
  • Medications
  • Lack of vitamin B
  • Melasma
  • Hormonal changes

How To Make Your Lips Naturally Pink?

1. Coconut Oil


Coconut oil is the first natural remedy on our list for pink lips. It is a fantastic moisturizer, especially for dry lips. When lips are nourished with coconut oil, they become pink and velvety.

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How to use

  • Replace your lip balm with extra virgin coconut oil. Simply smear coconut oil several times per day across your lips.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil with 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Use this to exfoliate your lips, then rinse it off and apply a small bit of lip balm. By doing this, the dead skin cells will be removed, leaving the lips moisturized, smooth, and velvety.

2. Aloe Vera


Here comes another fantastic method for getting pink lips naturally. Aloesin is found in aloe vera. This polyphenolic substance can stop the skin from producing pigment, which will stop lips from becoming darker. Aloe vera also has a great number of nutrients that help our lips’ damaged skin cells regenerate and become more moisturized, silky, and smooth.

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How to use

  • Dab a little coating of aloe vera gel on the lips and let it dry. Rinse with lukewarm water and follow this amazing remedy once a day.
  • Obtain fresh aloe vera gel and place it in a glass container for storage. Add a few drops of coconut oil or olive oil to this. Mix the two ingredients, then apply them on your lips as a lip balm. To keep it fresh, store it in the fridge. Use it frequently during the day.

3. Beetroot Juice


Beetroot juice applied to the lips gives them a natural tint. Natural bleaching qualities in beetroot juice aid in whitening lips with dark pigmentation. See the instructions for using beet juice to lighten lips’ pigmentation below.

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How to use

  • Applying fresh beetroot juice to the lips is the simplest technique. Do this every night before going to bed. Put it on at night, then wash it off in the morning.
  • Pour 1 tbsp shea butter, 2 tbsp olive oil, and 1 tbsp beeswax pellets into a glass jar. Place the jar in a pan of water that has been heated. To ensure that the components combine and melt, continue stirring. After everything has melted, add half a tsp of beetroot powder and mix once again. Place the entire mixture in a lip balm jar that is empty, then allow it to cool and solidify. Your lip balm with beets is prepared.

4. Rose Petals


Rose contains calming, cooling, and moisturizing qualities by nature. The lovely pink shade of the rose helps to soften the lips, lighten the darkness, and give them that lovely pink color.

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How to use

  • Take a few fresh rose petals and soak them in milk for an hour. Then pulverize the mixture to create a fine paste. Add a teaspoon of honey and a few strands of saffron to this. Again mix all the ingredients and apply them to your lips. After letting it sit for a while, wash it off. To get the greatest effects, repeat it twice daily.
  • Mix one tablespoon of rose petal paste, and one tablespoon each of butter and honey. Mix the ingredients and make a nice paste. At least twice per week, apply it to the lips and scrub them gently.

5. Papaya Therapy


Papain, an enzyme found in papayas, is highly effective at lightening skin. It lessens skin pigmentation, evens out skin tone, and encourages skin renewal. Additionally, it evens out dry, flaky skin. Additionally, the papaya’s AHA can exfoliate the skin, and potassium is a wonderful hydrate and moisturizer for dry skin. When applied on the lips, papaya lightens the pigmentation and also restores naturally pink lips over time.

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How to use

  • Blend some papaya chunks into a smooth paste. Use a toothbrush and a small amount of papaya paste to gently massage your lips for five minutes. Rinse it off after allowing it to dry. Apply lip balm afterward.
  • Mix 1 tbsp ripe papaya pulp, 1 tbsp honey as well as a pinch of brown sugar to prepare a homemade lip scrub. Apply this lip scrub once every other day to remove dead skin from your lips. Don’t forget to apply lip balm after rinsing.
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Nobody can contest the attractiveness of pink lips. But a number of things cause our lips to darken. The good news is that you may always undo the harm and restore your lips to their naturally soft and pink color. See how gorgeous your lips look without lipstick if you use these natural cures.


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