Home Growing Food It’s Not Too Late! Here Are 18 Vegetables And Herbs To Fill Your Garden In August

It’s Not Too Late! Here Are 18 Vegetables And Herbs To Fill Your Garden In August

by Jenny

August is an incredible month in the vegetable garden. The summer crops are hopefully impressing us with their productivity and the crops we planted last month are thriving beautifully. Moreover, there are still numerous opportunities for planting in August.

Once you have a good idea of what to plant in August, you can enjoy a plentiful garden even as the temperatures begin to drop. More interesting, specific plants can thrive throughout the winter season. In this article, we will walk you through the most productive vegetables and herbs, promising you flavorful fall harvests.

#1. Arugula

To plant arugula, sow seeds in well-draining soil, about 1/4 inch deep and 1 inch apart. Arugula prefers cool weather and partial shade. You can harvest leaves when they reach 4-6 inches tall.

#2. Basil

You can transplant basil seedlings or plant seeds in well-draining soil. Provide them with full sun and keep the soil consistently moist.

#3. Beets

Beets prefer cool weather and consistent moisture. It is a fast-growing root vegetable that can be grown year-round.

#4. Broccoli

Broccoli thrives in cool weather. Remember to provide consistent moisture and protect from pests.

#5. Cabbage

Get a head start on your cabbage crop by planting early in the season and keep the harvest going all summer long. Its heads are ready to harvest when firm and solid.

#6. Carrots

Carrots have the flexibility to be planted throughout the spring and summer, from February all the way to July. You should also consider planting baby carrots for a faster harvest in the summer or autumn.

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#7. Cauliflower

Similar to broccoli, cauliflower prefers cool weather and requires consistent moisture. Cauliflower should be harvested before they open.

#8. Cilantro

Cilantro bolts quickly in hot weather. Both the leaves (cilantro) and the seeds (coriander) are edible and ready to serve different dishes.

#9. Cucumber

When planting cucumbers, provide them with a trellis for vertical growth. They need consistent moisture and full sun to produce sun-ripen cucumbers.

#10. Kale

Kale is a versatile cool-season plant that adds a healthy boost to any dish. It can tolerate cold weather and handle some frost once they’re mature.

#11. Leeks

This onion related can continue to thrive during the winter. Leeks are frequently added to soups and stews, and the stems have a flavor that is quite similar to a milder, sweeter onion.

#12. Lettuce

Growing lettuce is possible all year round, especially if you can provide your plants with a little more shelter during the winter. There are several kinds of lettuce, including iceberg, butterhead, butterhead romaine, and loose leaf.

#13. Peas

Whether you grow snow peas, snap peas, and soup peas, the key to a fall harvest is to avoid the hottest time as they thrive in cooler weather. Water consistently and harvest pods when they are plump and bright.

#14. Potatoes

You can start by planting seed potatoes in well-draining soil. As plants grow, mound soil around the stems.

#15. Radishes

Radishes come in a variety of shapes (round, red, long, and white) and flavors (mild, sweet, or bitter). Some may grow in cool weather, like the enormous Japanese Daikon radish, while others thrive in spring or summer.

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#16. Spinach

Due to its aversion to both extremes of temperature and the requirement for well-drained soil, spinach is one of the more challenging vegetables to cultivate. Spinach can thrive in fall, as long as there is no frost.

#17. Summer squash

Summer squash can be planted from seeds and it does best in the hot, direct sun. If you give your squash enough water and fertilizer, you’ll have an abundant harvest.

#18. Tomato

Tomato is a staple in any garden as it is packed with nutrients and is a major ingredient in many soups and salads. If you plant indeterminate varieties, don’t forget to provide them with supports like trellis.

It’s not too late to start a new harvest when the spring has gone. Warm soil, warm air, and long days of sunlight will give plants a head start before they explode in growth during the chilly fall months. To find more vegetable gardening and care tips, don’t forget to subscribe to our website and wait for our latest articles.

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