Home Hair Step By Step Guide: How To Oil Your Hair The Right Way To Stimulate Hair Growth

Step By Step Guide: How To Oil Your Hair The Right Way To Stimulate Hair Growth

by Shelly

Your scalp’s blood circulation is enhanced by hair massage, which promotes the health of your scalp. If you want stronger, softer, and glossier hair, you should pamper your locks with the goodness of an oil massage. Your hair requires little TLC regularly since it is exposed to pollution, dust, and chemical-laden products. You may replenish moisture and make your hair healthy by massaging hair oil into your scalp. Hair oil massage will solve all of your hair problems if you are also plagued with dull, lifeless hair that has lost all of its natural oil.

You must first choose how many oils you want to use on your scalp before starting oiling your hair. Depending on how intensive you want it to be, you can use a blend of oils to get the most out of your oil therapy. Essential oils are diluted with carrier oils since they are quite concentrated. For example, essential oils like tea tree, cedarwood, and lavender can be combined with carrier oils. They can do wonders to your hair. However, you can also stick to using only carrier oils like virgin olive oil or coconut oil.

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A step-by-step tutorial for oiling your hair and scalp is provided here:

Step 1: Brush your hair to remove any knots or tangles before you begin oiling it. This will simplify the application of oil.

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Step 2: Divide your hair into two halves for easy application. Right along the middle of your scalp, you will split your hair, pull the first portion over your left shoulder, then the second over your right.

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Step 3: Pour roughly a teaspoon of coconut oil or olive oil into your palm and rub your palms together. Fingertip movements are used to thoroughly massage the oil into the scalp. You should apply the oil to the roots of your hair in circular strokes, and massage your scalp with your hands.

Source: Unknown

Step 4: Move in a consistent pattern and try to cover the entire scalp area. Remembering that you do not neglect the back of your head. The area behind your ears and the area just above the nape also need attention, massage well in these areas.

Source: Unknown

Step 5: Each time you need to add one teaspoon of oil and work it into the scalp so that it does not result in a dripping mess. Once you have covered the entire scalp, you should start the application through the length of your hair: take oil, rub it onto your palms and run your hands through the length of your hair.

Source: Unknown

Step 6: Comb your hair to ensure that the oil is distributed evenly, then tie it up after massaging your hair and scalp for 10 to 15 minutes. Let the oil for 30 minutes to work its way into your scalp. You should not keep this on for longer than 24 hours as your hair will start to accumulate dirt. You can leave this on overnight as well, and remove the oil with a gentle shower in the morning.

Source: Unknown

Mistakes to avoid while oiling your hair

  1. Comb your hair right after oiling it:
    Your scalp is relaxed at this moment, your hair is susceptible to breaking. Oil can weigh your hair down and combing it shortly after oiling it will only make it break.
  2. Wash too soon:
    Getting rid of all the excess oil is important, but not too soon! Allow the oil to sit on your scalp for at least one hour. This lets the oil penetrate through the follicles and nourish your scalp.
  3. Overuse the oil:
    Applying too much oil to your hair means you’d need to use more shampoo to wash it off. This will strip away your hair’s natural oils.
  4. Tie your hair up:
    Tying your hair up can make your hair prone to breakage. Your hair is in a vulnerable state and is already weighed down by the oil.
  5. Massage too vigorously:
    Hair might break when your scalp is massaged too quickly or violently. The best method is to gently massage your scalp in circular motions.

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