Home Garden 21 Flowers and Plants For Wet and Soggy Soil

21 Flowers and Plants For Wet and Soggy Soil

by Marry Dell

#11 Forget-Me-Not

Image Credits: Garden Lover Clubs

Forget-Me-Nots would be great options for planting in either full sun or partial shade near bodies of water. They are a low-maintenance solution to bald patches of land. They efficiently reproduce, gently spreading along the yard over time.

#12 Hydrangea

Image Credits: Golden Villa Inn

Wet soil-loving plants like the Marsh Marigold are dependant on a constant source of moisture. Though they don’t like to be submerged, they thrive next to running creeks and near other bodies of water.

#13 Hydrangea

Image Credits: Own The Yard

Hydrangeas are shrubs that produce brilliant, large blooms of varying colors. Hydrangeas can tolerate full sun.

#14 Virginia Sweetspire

Image Credits: Home Stratosphere

Virginia Sweetspire is a semi-evergreen plant whose leaves turn red and purple during the fall. It does incredibly well in wet and moist soils and therefore can thrive well into the winter months. It prefers to be placed in areas of full sun.

#15 Winterberry Holly

Image Credits: Gardener’s Path

Winterberry Holly is best known for its bright green leaves and fiery red berry bundles. They’re adaptable to both wet and dry soils. This plant does well in full sun, part shade, or full shade.

#16 Dogwood

Image Credits: Own The Yard

These trees prefer areas of full sun or part shade and like damp, but well-drained soils.

#17 Joe Pye Weed

Image Credits: Gardenia

The Joe Pye Weed is a wet soil-loving plant. They sprout beautiful violet blooms in giant dome shapes. It is naturally found in marshes, along stream banks, and in watery meadows.

#18 Cattail

Image Credits: Twitter

Cattails, one of the most well-known wet soil-loving plants, are mostly found near large bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, marshes, and ponds.

#19 Pickerel

Image Credits: Gardenia

Pickerel, also known as Pickerelweed, is a true water-loving flowering plant. It prefers its roots to be submerged. These plants require full sun but can tolerate partial shade.

#20 Elephant’s Ear

Image Credits:  Garden Lovers Club

Elephant’s Ear prefers to have its roots submerged but can tolerate living in extremely damp soil. They do well when placed in full sun or in areas of partial shade.

#21 Creeping Jenny

Image Credits: The Ofy

The last plant in our wet soil-loving plants, Creeping Jenny is bright and beautifully ornamental. When in full bloom, it is covered in glorious golden flowers and bright green leaves. It is a low-lying plant that would do well in wet rock gardens or in the steady stream of a water garden waterfall.

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