Home DIY 30 DIY Planters From Unused Kitchen Stuff

30 DIY Planters From Unused Kitchen Stuff

by Marry Dell

You’re a gardening enthusiast and always love looking for fun and creative ways to display your plants? Look no further than your own kitchen! With a little imagination and some DIY skills, you can transform unused kitchen items into unique and beautiful planters. And the best part?

You can save money and reduce waste by repurposing items you already have. From teapot succulent planters to hanging colander planters, these ideas are sure to inspire your creativity and help you create a beautiful and sustainable garden.

There are countless items in your kitchen that can be repurposed into planters, such as old teapots, colanders, baking dishes, and even mugs. You can also upcycle items like wine corks, mason jars, and tin cans into one-of-a-kind planters.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating DIY planters from kitchen items. You can use paint, stickers, or decoupage to customize your planters and make them truly unique. Check out the 30 DIY Planters From Unused Kitchen Stuff and make your own versions!

#1 Hanging Pot Flower Planter

Source: makeitagarden

#2 Hanging Funnel Planter

Source: Amy Bridge

#3 Tuna Can Planter

Source: hometalk

#4 Tin Can Planter

Source: craftgawker

#5 Colander Planter

Source: houseofhawthornes

#6 Mesh Strainer Planter

Source: houseofhawthornes

#7 Dripolator Planter

Source: organizedclutter

#8 A Crazy Floating Teapot Succulent Planter

Source: hometalk

#9 DIY Coffee Pot Terrarium

Source: gofeminin

#10 Rusty Dust Pan Garden

Source: toftiaxa

#11 The Small Garden With Old Pots

Source: mindfulofthehome

#12 Hanging Vintage Pot Planter

Source: refabdiaries

#13 Old Strainer Planter

Source: pinterest

#14 DIY Colander Planter Wind Chime

Source: thehappyfarmhouse

#15 Hanging Springform Cake Pan Wall Planter

Source: houseofhawthornes

#16 A Raised Garden Bed

Source: pinterest

#17 Small Tabletop Garden

Source: Steffiraik

#18 3-Tired Hanging Basket Vegetable Planter

Source: bhg

#19 A Small Mug Wall Garden

Source: pinterest

#20 Teapot Wall With Succulents

Source: Woodsy Delights

#21 Hanging Plastic Bottle Planter

Source: pinterest

#22 Hanging Basket Flower Planter

Source: flickr

#23 Spilled Pot Idea

Source: Jada Hughes

#24 Ladle Succulent Planters

Source: blessmyweeds

#25 Strainers Are Great For Succulents

Source: Maggie Fuller

#26 A Miniature Can Garden

Source: pinterest

#27 Glass Cup Planters

Source: Debora Vieira

#28 Easy Mason Jar Terrariums

Source: ohmy-creative

#29 DIY Teacup Planter and String of Pearls

Source: hearthandvine

#30 Flour Sifter Planter

Source: houseofhawthornes

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