Blueberries are a powerhouse of nutrition, rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. They are also low in calories and fat, but high in fiber and water. They are famous for being delicious fruits that can be enjoyed fresh, frozen, or in pies, jams, and muffins. But did you know that you can also grow them in pots?
Growing blueberries in pots has many benefits, such as saving space, controlling soil acidity, preventing diseases, and protecting them from birds and pests. In this article, we will show you how to grow blueberries in pots successfully and enjoy a bountiful harvest of these sweet and healthy berries.
1. What Blueberries Varieties And Containers You Should Choose?
When choosing the right blueberry variety, opt for dwarf or compact varieties like ‘Top Hat’ or ‘Sunshine Blue’ for container gardening.
- Top Hat is a Northern Lowbush type. It has small oval green leaves that turn orange in the fall, and white flowers in late spring. It is self-pollinating but can benefit from cross-pollination with other blueberry varieties.
- Sunshine Blue is a Southern Highbush type that does well in warm climates. It has pink flowers in spring and burgundy foliage in fall. It is also self-pollinating but can produce more fruit with another blueberry variety nearby.
When it comes to containers, larger ones are better. Blueberries like their space. A pot with a diameter of at least 18 inches is ideal. Make sure your container has good drainage to keep those roots happy.
2. How To Plant Your Blueberry Babies In Pots
To get started, use a potting mix specially formulated for acid-loving plants. Blueberries prefer their soil slightly acidic. Bonus tips: You can use a pH meter or a litmus paper to check the soil acidity, which should be between 4.5 and 5.5. If the soil is too alkaline, you can lower the pH by adding some vinegar, sulfur, or iron sulfate to the water.
Dig a hole about the size of the root ball and plop your blueberry plant right in there. Keep the top of the root ball level with the soil surface. Give them some space – about 2-3 feet between plants if you’re planting more than one.
3. How To Take Care Of Your Blueberries
Blueberries are sun lovers, and they need at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. Place your pots where they can soak up that vitamin D.
They are not big eaters, but they do appreciate a good meal. Use an acid-specific fertilizer and follow the package instructions.
They also do need help to bear juicy fruits, and that’s where the bees come in. Encourage your local bee population with other flowering plants, such as hummingbirds or butterflies nearby.
When your blueberries get a little unruly, so it’s time to prune them. In late winter or early spring, trim away any dead or damaged branches, as well as any that cross each other.
4. When To Harvest Blueberries
Blueberries are ready when they’re plump, juicy, and have that gorgeous deep blue color. Gently pick them off the bush, and voilà, you’ve got a bunch of nutritious fruits at your fingertips. For some extra helpful advice, keep them in the refrigerator in a breathable container lined with paper towels. Do not wash the berries until you are ready to eat them, as moisture can cause them to spoil faster.
With a little care and patience, you’ll have a bountiful blueberry harvest that’s nothing short of amazing. Let us know if you have any difficulties, and don’t forget to share with us your bountiful harvest.