Home DIY 5 Materials You Should Not Use for Raised Garden Beds

5 Materials You Should Not Use for Raised Garden Beds

by Marry Dell

Raised garden beds are an excellent choice for simple and effective. They help maximize harvests through the efficient use of space. Growing your favorite plants in a raised garden like these helps to reduce weeds, prevent soil compaction, allow for good water drainage, and take care of easily. So, building a raised garden bed is a new trend that many gardeners prefer in recent years.

No doubt about the benefits of raised garden beds, but using materials is one of the important things you should consider before starting your own garden. Whether you intend to grow vegetables, flowers, or edible plants in your raised garden beds, it’s wise to avoid using toxins materials that will leach into the soil.

These harmful contents are worse when they can also travel much further than the confines of your garden, and even have a terrible impact on the environment. Check out 5 Materials You Should Not Use for Raised Garden Beds!

#1 Old Tires

Source: Ugaoo

Although reusing old tires is one of the great ways, except in the garden. Tires contain cadmium, lead, and other nasty stuff, these are not good when leaching into the soil, of course, also might affect your vegetables. They released most toxins and take decades for them to degrade.

In fact, to date, there are no scientific studies that have been conducted to determine whether old tires will contaminate garden soil. But, if you want to fill them up with rich and healthy soil, consider it carefully before using them.

#2 Cinder Blocks

Source: Thegardeningcook

This material is made out of fly ash, or coal particulates, and contains arsenic, lead, mercury, and other heavy metals. So, you should avoid them entirely if you’re using salvaged materials for your raised beds.

#3 MB Pallets

Source: Mygreenmontgomery

There are many projects to upcycling wood pallets, including raised garden beds, but beware of those stamped “MB”.

“MB” is abbreviated from Methyl bromide which is a broad spectrum pesticide that’s incredibly harmful to human health. MB off-gas into the atmosphere and directly damages the ozone layer. As such, using this wood type with it in any capacity is ill-advised.

#4 Railroad Ties

Source: Homedecorlinks

Railroad Ties are treated with creosote which is another harsh pesticide you should avoid using. It is made from tar created from coal, oil, and other fossil fuels It is not only dangerous to human health but also to plants, insects, and small animals when leaching out into the soil.

#5 Pressure-Treated Wood

Source: Dunnlumber

Nowadays, alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) is the standard lumber treatment. And pressure-treated wood contains high amounts of copper which can leach into the surrounding soil. Copper is extremely toxic to plants, fish, and aquatic life. So, you absolutely should not use this material for your raised garden beds, especially vegetables.

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