Jasmine not only displays white elegant flowers to add a striking visual and olfactory touch to the garden but its flowers also emit sweet, carrying fragrance. Not just that this flower type has been used for liver disease, pain caused by liver scarring, and abdominal pain caused by severe diarrhea.
It is also commonly used as a sedative to prevent strokes, and in some cases, cancer treatment. If you love the lingering scent and exquisite beauty of jasmine, you should not miss out on the 12 Beautiful Flowers That Look Like Jasmine today.
Taking them a look, you will see that they have the same shape as Jasmine, but each has its own beauty. Of course, they also give you different feelings when seeing them. Plus, they bring a wide range of health benefits as an effective natural medicine.
For good reason, they are great candidates to become a part of your garden. Besides, they are also easy to grow with basic care. Keep your reading to know more about their information.
#1 Nandyarvattam
Source: Flickr
Nandyarvattam is native from East India, are shrubs with evergreen leaves. It blooms many buds that come together when the plants start flowering, creating a beautiful, fragrant cluster of flowers.
The plants are used for excessive coughing, kidney problems, kidney stones, scrapes, as well as ulcers.
#2 White Butterfly Gingers
Source: Plantnet
White butterfly gingers are native to tropical Asia. They look like the flowers of the Jasmine, with shiny and silky petals that look bright at night. The plant blooms white elegant flowers that have a heady scent.
#3 Camellia Sinensis
Source: Healthline
Camellia sinensis is native to North America. It is an evergreen plant and displays snowy white petals. The flowers can be used for different products, like cooking products, cosmetic beauty products, and tea.
#4 Bacopa Monnieri
Source: Nature-and-garden
Bacopa Monnieri is a perennial herb that grows in bushy clusters. It features beautiful and dainty white flowers that are similar to Jasmine.
#5 Parijat
Source: Nurserylive
Parijat is native to South and Southeast Asia. Parijat flowers are much similar to Jasmine flowers with small, white flowers and hairy, rough green leaves. The flowers have a very attractive and strong aroma. The plant brings many health benefits such as treating fever and fungal skin infections.
The bitter leaves are given to children for the expulsion of threadworms and roundworms. The leaf juice can also be used as an antidote for reptile venoms and snake bites.
#6 Sampaguita
Source: Readnational
Sampaguita is native to Southern Asia. Like Jasmine, Sampaguita shows off small, white flowers emitting a sweet fragrance. Plus, this flower blooms all year round to liven up your garden any season.
The plant has a few medicinal uses, such as relieving headaches, and it can also be used to treat wounds and snake bites.
#7 Common Daisy
Source: Gardenersworld
Common Daisy is originated in western, northern, as well as central Europe. Like Jasmin, Common Daisy forms clumps of small white flowers with yellow discs. Wild daisy tea is useful for severe coughs, bronchitis, and kidney and liver disorders. It is also believed to reduce inflammation and swelling of surface wounds.
#8 Gandharaj (Gardenia Jasminoides)
Source: Nurserynisarga
Gandharaj is native to Asia, it offers beautiful, medium-sized flowers, Gardenia flowers are quite similar to the Jasmine. It is used for several health-related complications, such as constipation, diabetes, fever, gallbladder disease, high cholesterol, and blood pressure, as well as liver disorders.
It also helps with psychological complications, such as anxiety, depression, and agitation by emitting a pleasant smell.
#9 White Bouvardia (Bouvardia Longiflora)
Source: Petalrepublic
White Bouvardia is native to America and central Mexico. It produces small, star-shaped flowers that resemble Jasmine but give off no scent. The plant is commonly used as decorative gardens.
#10 Baby’s-breath (Gypsophila)
Source: Silverfallsseed
Baby’s-breath is natively from Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. It shows off delicate white flowers borne from thin stems.
#11 Plumeria
Source: Greenaryhub
Plumeria is native to the Philippines. Its flowers have five-petaled. The tightly compacted buds appear to be more of a pinkish color than white, but they often turn snow-white when they are in complete bloom.
It is usually used for inflammation. Their shoots and flowers are useful for treating Malaria, and they can also be used for diabetes.
#12 Tuberoses
Source: Gardeningknowhow
Polianthes tuberosa is among the most pretty and fragrant flowers. Its blooms produce in clusters that include several tiny, white flowers that have an extensive smell.