Home Garden 16 Houseplants With Unique Round Foliage

16 Houseplants With Unique Round Foliage

by Joyce

If you want to add charm and distinctiveness to your indoor garden, these plants with their captivating coin-shaped leaves are sure to catch your eye. From the popular Chinese Money Plant with its glossy green pancakes to the trailing elegance of String of Nickels, we’ve curated a selection of plants that will bring a unique aesthetic to your space and provide an interesting talking point for plant enthusiasts. So, let’s explore these delightful houseplants and discover their beautiful coin-shaped foliage that is bound to leave you mesmerized.

#1. Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant)

Source: Gardeners World

This plant has round, pancake-shaped leaves that are glossy green.

#2. Crassula Ovata (Jade Plant)

Source: Mountain Crest Gardens

The Jade Plant features small, round leaves that resemble coins and have a glossy texture.

#3. Plectranthus Verticillatus (Swedish Ivy)

Source: The National Gardening Association

Swedish Ivy has small, rounded leaves with scalloped edges that resemble coins.

#4. Dischidia Nummularia (String Of Nickels)

Source: Gardening Know How

This trailing plant has small, round leaves that closely resemble silver coins.

#5. Soleirolia soleirolii (Baby’s Tears)

Source: Little Prince Plants

Baby’s Tears has tiny, round leaves that resemble miniature coins and form a dense carpet-like growth.

#6. Peperomia Argyreia (Watermelon Peperomia)

Source: Joy Us Garden | Care, Propagation, and Pruning

The Watermelon Peperomia has round, fleshy leaves with silver stripes that resemble watermelon rinds.

#7. Pilea Glauca (Silver Sparkles)

Source: PlantIn

This plant has small, round leaves that are silvery-green, giving it a sparkling appearance.

#8. Lunaria Annua (Honesty Plant)

Source: Stocks & Green

Also known as the Money Plant, Lunaria annua has round, silvery seed pods that resemble coins.

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#9. Maranta Leuconeura (Prayer Plant)

Source: Garden Betty

The Prayer Plant has oval-shaped leaves with a round appearance, often with intricate patterns.

#10. Peperomia Prostrata (String Of Turtles)

Source: Garden Betty

This trailing plant features small, coin-shaped leaves with textured patterns that resemble turtle shells.

#11. Graptosedum ‘Vera Higgins’

Source: Etsy

This succulent has thick, round leaves that are bluish-green and have a waxy texture.

#12. Pilea Cadierei (Aluminum Plant)

Source: House Plants Expert

The Aluminum Plant has round, metallic silver leaves with dark green veins.

#13. Echeveria Runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy’

Source: Gardenia.net

This succulent has thick, round leaves that curve inwards, giving them a unique appearance.

#14. Columnea Microphylla (Goldfish Plant)

Source: Flickr

The Goldfish Plant has small, rounded leaves with a glossy texture that resembles goldfish scales.

#15. Hydrocotyle Leucocephala (Brazilian Pennywort)

Source: Shrimp and Snail Breeder

This aquatic plant has round leaves that float on the water’s surface, resembling coins.

#16. Peperomia rotundifolia (Trailing Jade Peperomia)

Source: House Of Plants

This trailing plant has small, round leaves that are fleshy and have a jade-like appearance.

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