Home Hair The Best Red Purple Hair Colour Ideas to Try

The Best Red Purple Hair Colour Ideas to Try

by Navy

Purple-red hair is the perfect combination of red and purple tones. This will be the color that explosive girls cannot ignore. However, whether this color is beautiful or not depends on how to choose the right dye for your skin tone and style. If you are looking to try purple-red dye, let’s look at the best red purple hair colour ideas to try in 2023 below!

Basic red purple hair colour ideas

Of course, the first color dye that cannot be ignored is the original purple-red color. Purple blends with red to create a new look and are especially suitable for middle-aged women that makes them look much younger. You can confidently keep the hair color for a long time. More importantly, this color does not need to be bleached.






Light red purple hair colour ideas

If the traditional purple-red color is suitable for middle-aged women, the light purple-red color is very suitable for young people because it brings a youthful, dynamic, and extremely flattering image if you have bright white skin. However, it will not be very suitable for dark-skinned girls and needs light bleaching, so you can consider if you want to dye this color.






Red purple highlight colour ideas

This is a very trendy and stylish color. It will be more suitable for young girls because there are different light and dark highlights on the usual hair base. With this hair color, your skin can also lighten a few tones. Give it a try now!






Smokey red purple colour ideas

If you like rebellion, you can try this color. The gentle smoky light makes your skin brighter and your face more refined. With this color, even in the sun, it does not cause uncomfortable glare for the viewer. It is worth a try, it also only needs to lightly bleach the hair and the color is already very beautiful.









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