Home Design 15 Chic Nail Design Ideas To Motivate Your Next Manicure

15 Chic Nail Design Ideas To Motivate Your Next Manicure

by Navy

Each nail design will show a different style, beauty, and message. Through the nail model that the person wears, we can partly assess her aesthetic taste as well as her preferences and personality. Who do you wanna be, let’s see your next chic manicure here!

B&W Chic Nail Designs

The combination of two colors seems to be opposites but brings a very impressive beauty. Black and white always ensure minimalism but extremely luxury and sophistication.

You can refer to these simple luxurious nail designs to create your own highlight.


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Pattern Chic Nail Designs

Never out of date even though the years have changed the beautiful nail designs with patterns and textures. It seems that this type of nail design knows how to blend in with each era.

No matter how much fashion or beauty methods change, nail designs can also change, “bend yourself” to change as much.


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Rhinestone Chic Nail Designs

For beauty followers who love elegant and precious styles, you can choose stone nail designs. To avoid the “flashy” effect, just paint one or two fingers blue and attach the stones to the rest or cover them with glitter as suggested below.


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Source: nail_sunny


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Colorful Chic Nail Designs

If you do not know which nail model to choose, you can refer to the multi-color combination samples. Instead of one color, people will choose a separate color for each nail.

Otherwise, red and green are two colors recommended. Red nail polish shows your charm and charisma. To make the hand stand out more, you can combine it with stripes or plants.

This nail design has the effect of exalting skin tone, creating a very luxurious feeling. It is best to choose a long-pointed or square nail style.


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Source: MailbyMichael


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