Home Skin 6 DIY Remedies To Lighten Your Dark Armpits

6 DIY Remedies To Lighten Your Dark Armpits

by Fannie

We know that dark armpits are annoying and inconvenient. In most cases, they prevent people from purchasing adorable sleeveless dresses. Then, they might go for pricey underarm whitening products in the hope of lightening their dark armpits. But wait! That is not the only choice for you. Here are the top 6 natural remedies of common ingredients you can easily make at home. Let’s look at them now.

#1 Turmeric Pack

Source: Unknown


  • 2 tablespoons of gram flour
  • 1 tablespoon of curd
  • 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric

How to do:

First, create a mixture of all ingredients mentioned above. Then, apply this pack to the armpits, and wait 10 to 15 minutes for it to dry. After that, wash the mixture away with cold water, and let your underarms dry naturally by air. Do this every day for the best results.

#2 Fuller’s Earth Pack

Source: Unknown


  • 2 tablespoons of fuller’s earth powder
  • 1 teaspoon of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

How to do:

Make a fine paste by mixing well all ingredients above. Apply this paste to your armpits, then wait 15 minutes for it to dry. Lastly, use water to wash it off. Do this three times per week for brighter underarms.

#3 Aloe Vera Gel

Source: Unknown


  • An aloe vera leaf

How to do:

Extract the gel from the aloe vera leaf freshly cut. Massage this gel for a few minutes after applying it to your armpits. Give it about 20 minutes to dry, then use water to wash it off. This can be repeated every day.

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#4 Lemon And Honey Scrub

Source: Unknown


  • 2 tablespoons of red lentil powder
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Some droplets of honey

How to do:

Thoroughly mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. Rub the exfoliating scrub over your armpits for 3 to 5 minutes. Give it 10 minutes to dry, then wash it with water. Do this twice a week to get white and smooth underarms.

#5 Papaya And Orange Peel Pack

Source: Unknown


  • 3 to 4 pieces of papaya
  • 1 tablespoon of orange peel powder

How to do:

Grind papaya pieces into a fine paste, and mix it well with orange peel powder. Apply this paste to the armpits, then wait 10 minutes for it to dry. Finally, use warm water to wash your underarms and a gentle towel to wipe them. Do this each day.

#6 Potato Juice

Source: Unknown


  • One medium potato
  • A few droplets of rose water

How to do:

Grate the potato and thoroughly mix it with some droplets of rose water. Then, get the juice by straining the mixture, and apply this juice to your armpits for 15 to 20 minutes. Finally, use warm water to wash it away. Repeat three times per week for optimal results.

Try the suitable remedies for you, and please share your experience with us in the comment section below!



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