Home DIY 22 Easy DIY Cement Home Decor Projects

22 Easy DIY Cement Home Decor Projects

by Marry Dell

When it comes to home decor, there are many numbers of projects and ideas that you can incorporate to make your living space more inviting. And cement is one of the great solutions to choose.

Because it is a lot more versatile than you might think. You can use cement in your home projects can have many advantages such as smoothness, safe, and resistance. It can stand harsh weather and have use-value for a long time.

Cement is so easy to mix and mold, and when it’s finished, you can paint it, leave it plain or decorate it in any number of other ways. These projects are so beautiful with their original color without painting colors.

More than that, it is easily and readily available, not to mention quite affordable. So, just by having a bag of cement lying around, you can add some beauty and interest to your home. Check 22 Easy DIY Cement Home Decor Projects and choose one to try!

#1 Cement Coffee Table

Source: Wayfair

#2 Desk Legs

Source: Notreloft

#3 DIY Cement Triangle Hanging Planters

Source: Prettylifegirls

#4 DIY Concrete Cactus Planter

Source: Cupcakesandcutlery

#5 Flower Vase

Source: Etsy

#6 Pen Storage

Source: Landei-Art

#7 Bedside Concrete Lamp

Source: Architectureartdesigns

#8 Candle Holder

Source: Deavita

#9 Soap Dispenser

Source: Fler

#10 DIY Lightweight Cement Side Tables

Source: Abeautifulmess

#11 Unique Egg Cups

Source: Notonthehighstreet

#12 Gray Cement Rectangular Succulent Plant Flower Pot

Source: Mygift

#13 DIY Concrete Monster Eggs

Source: Madebybarb

#14 Shape Bottle Planter

Source: Pianetadonne

#15 Solid Concrete Side Table

Source: Etsy

#16 Another Flower Vase

Source: Etsy

#17 Bench Idea

Source: Freshideen

#18 Simple DIY Concrete Clock

Source: Remodelaholic

#19 Cement Planter On Hanging Wood Shelf

Source: Stocksy

#20 DIY Faux Concrete Lamp with Paint

Source: Savvyapron

#21 Another Hold Candle

Source: Hometalk

#22 Contemporary Wood and Concrete Coat Rack

Source: Curbly

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