Adding unusual DIY stairs to your garden is a great way to make your outdoor landscaping have a unique look, so if you are finding ideas to upgrade your garden, our recommendations today are for you.
And here is the list of the 14 Garden Stair Ideas Made Out Of Unusual Items. Browse the below ideas and choose your favorite one to boost the garden.
Scrolling through these ideas you will see that they are special, right? Each has its own beauty and you will surely get your own inspiration. They are all made out of recycled materials such as old logs, old tires, empty plastic bottles, stock tanks.
They are easy to find, even available around your home. Instead of tossing them in the trash or letting them lie in mess somewhere in the garden, you just save them and then transform them into your garden ideas. Regardless of any ideas, they are cheap and quite easy to make on days off. Are you ready to save one and try making it?
#1 Plastic Bottle Garden Stair
Source: Theverybesttop10
#2 Wooden Slice Garden Stair
Source: Gentlemint
#3 Stock Tank Garden Stair
Source: Dishfunctionaldesigns
#4 Old Tire Garden Stair
Source: Gracilene Dias
#5 Wooden Boardwalk
Source: Lumi Polar
#6 Garden Stair Made From Long Logs And Woods
Source: Cody Schulz
#7 Cinder Block Garden Stair
Source: Pinimg
#8 Old Red Brick Garden Stair
Source: Ljilja Pavlovic
#9 Garden Stair Made Of Wood And Mulch
Source: Agreenhand
#10 Bamboo And Logs Garden Stairs
Source: Interiorish
#11 Garden Stair Made Form Pebbles And Wood
Source: Pinterest
#12 Garden Stair Made From Rusty Metals And Crushed Stones
Source: Dwell
#13 Mossy Garden Stair With Logs
Source: Deviantart
#14 Simple Log Garden Stair
Source: Permaculturenews