Have you ever thought of a way to plant that is so lovely and creative like this? You must be amazed by how they liven your house up by their showing up from above. Air plants, or Tillandsias, are epiphytic plants. These plants have spiky leaves that make you think of Jellyfish tentacles.
But they are popular not just by their unique appearance. Unlike conventional ones, these spiky plants don’t require soil to grow and are often in hanging positions, and they do not rely on water as most houseplants. Thanks to that, these plants are becoming in demand lately.
Plant hangers vary in size, shape, and color. You can decide which one for your air plants based on your needs and styles. Planters made of glass may attract you, but you should also discover sea urchin shells because they are super cute and bring a touch of the sea into your house.
Now let’s leaf through these 25 Jellyfish Air Planters to know how wonderful these creations are!
#1 White Sea Urchin Planter
Source: marketa_henys
#2 Glasses Jelly Fish Air Planter
Source: Etsy
#3 Cute Pink Sea Urchin Hanger
Source: luvlee.plants
#4 Adorable Mini Seashell Planter
Source: airplanteria
#5 Blooming Air Plant In A Sea Urchin Shell
Source: jennic137
#6 Small Violet Hanger
Source: glennleighfarms
#7 Stunning Groups Of Jellyfish Planters
Source: pinterest
#8 Shark Eye Shells For Air Plants
Source: etsy
#9 Wire Jellyfish Made Of Stainless Steel
Source: Craft Invaders
#10 Simple Thin Wire Air Planter
Source: pinterest
#11 Air Planters Tied To Unique Minerals
Source: airplanteria
#12 Recycling Iron Materials For Air Planter
Source: pinterest
#13 Light Thin Air Planters
Source: Webshop Studio Carolijn Sottje
#14 Hanging Jellyfish Air Plants In Window
Source: kelly.fairbrother
#15 Tying Group Of Sea Urchin Air Planters To A Chandelier
Source: Plantsome
#16 An Updated Sea Urchin With Bright Colors And Baby Seashells
Source: airplantconcept
#17 A Red Sea Urchin Air Plant Holder
Source: airplantconcept
#18 Different Sea Urchin Plant Holders For Decorating Your Indoor Space
Source: z_hliny_kvet
#19 A Sea Urchin Plant Among Different Kinds Of Plants
Source: theplanthydeaway
#20 A Chandelier Made Of Sea Urchin Plants
Source: santanasartgrow
#21 Yellow Sea Worthy Ornament
Source: Pinterest
#22 Lovely Squids And Fish Air Planters
Source: etsy
#23 Rare And Gorgeous Air Planters
Source: Pinterest
#24 Colorful Seashell Air Planters
Source: glennleighfarms
#25 Crochet Jellyfish Air Plant Hanger
Source: Ravelry